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Walking into a gym may be half the exercise battle, but it isn’t the only battle ground. From getting caught up at work, to having dinner plans with your bestie, a million things might keep you from your daily workout. Unfortunately, one skip can turn into two, and then it’s been a week since you checked in at your gym. Here are three things you can do before every workout that will make the time spent at the gym less of a hassle and more fun.

1.  Visualize While Stretching

best pre workout

The latest leggings, a cute crop top, and the right shoes won’t give you a great workout. Although, the right shoes are a must! To get the best workout, both body and mind need to be ready, so sink into a few leg and arm stretches, and while doing that, visualize the workout to come. Picture yourself in the middle and end of a spin class, yoga session, or run. Attitude is what takes your workout from a daily grind to an energy boosting, take on the world experience, so visualize the workout session, and stay focused on the endorphin high you experience once the hard work is done.

2.  Eat For Performance

eat for performance yogurt parfait - 3 Important Things To Do Pre-Workout

Image via Pixabay

This should go without saying, but eating before a workout is a must, just don’t eat too close to the start of a class or session. Our bodies need fuel to get through any type of workout routine, and if not fed properly, the body will come up with all kinds of reasons to quit. Ninety minutes before a workout, pick up a protein bar, make some oatmeal, or have a smoothie. This will fuel the body with great, whole ingredients it can then use to sail through any run, swim, bike, or class you want to take.

3.  Don’t Forget Hydration

best pre workout drink

Having water while working out is important, but it’s even more important to be properly hydrated before beginning to work out. Proper hydration means fewer chances of muscle cramps (and sometimes strains), and even dizziness. A good rule of thumb to ensure proper hydration is to drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water every day, but take that one step further on workout days. About an hour before a workout, drink another glass of water. During a workout, the body sweats to regulate temperature, and being properly hydrated will help to keep that regulation in tact. Hydration will also ensure the joints are properly lubricated, and will transport the nutrients the body needs during workouts, keeping the performance level high.

If you’re like millions of other Americans your two big New Year’s Resolutions were to get fit and de-stress. The problem? It’s nearly April and the last healthy thing you did was not go through the Starbucks drive-through on January 2, which leaves you feeling worthless – and filled with stress! – every day. Never fear, there is still time to make those New Year’s resolutions work for you. Just follow these three quick steps and you’ll increase your fitness level  – and de-stress at the same time.

1.  Step Away From Your Desk

best productivity tips

Many of our jobs are sedentary these days, and forcing ourselves to sit at a computer for eight hours is – literally – killing us. So, once an hour, step away from the keyboard. I’m serious. Step away, and while you’re stepping, don’t pick up your phone, iPod, or tablet. Leave everything at your desk, and go for a quick walk around the block (or up and down your office stairs). Let your mind wander, and for 5-10 minutes, disconnect from the screen that takes up so much time and energy. Email, social media, work projects…they’ll all be there when you get back. Bonus: you’ll have renewed energy to tackle those projects.

2.  Step Up To Exercise

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But I just told you to take a walk (or run some stairs)? Yes, I did, but that is a quickie break from your desk in the middle of the day. Those little breaks are important to your stress level, but they aren’t enough. Studies show that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise two to three times each week is all any of us need to live a healthier lifestyle. So, set your alarm an hour earlier, or make a commitment to exercise over your lunch hour, or just after you get home (not too late or you’ll find other things to do). You don’t have to join a health club, there are apps like C25K or Running/Walking for Weight Loss that will take you through a quick 30 minute exercise cycle 3-5 times each week.

3.  Step Up to a Video Game

step up to a video game - 3 Fun Ways To De-Stress In 10 Minutes Or Less Image via Pixabay

Not a gamer? Don’t worry, I’m not talking about World of Warcraft, here. Game systems like the Wii allow you to get off the couch and engage muscle while working the grey matter in your head. A few favorites: Wii Fit Yoga really helps to center the mind, Just Dance is a fun and fast way to increase the heart rate, and Wii Sports Club offers games that increase the hand-eye coordination.

Still not convinced that a video game or a quick walk around the block will get those creative juices flowing? Try it anyway. Give yourself one week with at least two built-in breaks from the computer each day. If you’re not feeling better and less stressed, you’ve lost less than five hours of free time.

Small steps create long-lasting habits. All you have to lose is stress…start today!

Feature image via royalty-free stock photo
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