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We’re all supposed to respect each other and be decent human beings, right? Sadly, some people out there didn’t quite get the memo on this one. You know who I’m talking about — the toxic people around you who still think it’s fine to hurl insults at you while wearing the fakest of smiles on their faces.

Here are 8 things you should never have to put up with hearing from their lips:

1. “Are You Sure You Should Be Eating That?”

So, you’re sitting in a restaurant with your so-called friend. You order something that you fancy from the menu and her reaction is as fast as it is rude. “Are you sure you should be eating that?” I’m sorry, what did you just say? There is never, I repeat, never a time when this type of conversation should happen. You get to choose what you eat and when you eat it. It’s that simple. The minute that someone starts to judge you for the thing you happen to be eating, you have every right in the world to leave. Bye.

2. “You Look Good… For a Big Girl.”

This type of backhanded compliment is the worst. There’s no way around it. It’s the type of thing that someone says to you when they’re trying to subtly put you down and make you feel like you’re less than you actually are. The point is that size should never come into how a person looks; it shouldn’t be a criteria that holds someone back. Using this kind of terminology around someone is a surefire way to make them feel awful. It’s not okay and you don’t have to put up with it at all.

3. “It’s So Brave Of You To Do That.”

Whether it’s posting a picture online or wearing a certain dress, there are times when the word ‘brave’ does not apply. These word has connotations that are extremely harmful. It suggests that, for some bizarre reason, you ought to be hiding yourself away. For example, if someone tells you a photo you posted was ‘brave,’ it’s basically like saying that you should be ashamed of it. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is a misguided compliment because it’s not. It’s a very thinly-guised attack and you should not take it.

4. “Have You Tried [Insert Fad Diet]?”

First of all, fad diets can be extremely unhealthy, at the best of times. Eating nothing but bone soup five days a week? Um, that’s a hard pass. Secondly, there’s few things worse on this planet than someone trying to push their agenda on you. When a person suggests that you ought to be dieting in some way, it’s rude enough. When they tell you which diet they think you should be on, it’s just plain out of order. Tell that person that you’re happy with a healthy balanced diet so… thanks, but no thanks.

Related: Body Positivity 101: Everything You Absolutely Need To Know

5. “You’d Be Really Pretty If…”

Here’s another insult trying to mask itself as some kind of compliment. Don’t just focus on the word ‘pretty’ here as it has very little to do with what the person is saying to you. No one out there has the right to tell you how they think that you should style yourself or what they think you should do. In fact, that choice is 100%, entirely up to you. And that’s the way it needs to stay. The moment that someone tells you that you need to change something to be attractive, ignore them. The only change you should make it getting rid of these toxic people from your life once and for all.

6. “Have You Lost Weight?”

What is this constant obsession with weight all about?! For some reason, there are people out there who seem to believe that this is the biggest compliment they can give someone. It’s almost as though they believe that losing weight is everyone’s number one priority all of the time. That is simply not the case. You don’t need to allow yourself to be won over by this particular phrase. Instead, be honest. If you have, say yes, and own it. If you haven’t, say no, and own it. Because, in the end, neither answer really matters.

7. “You’re Not Fat, You’re Beautiful.”

There are so many things that are wrong with this phrase right here, but for now, let’s start with the obvious. You do not have to be skinny to be beautiful. No law ever said that was the case because it isn’t. When people say that you’re not fat, you’re beautiful, they may as well say that bigger women can’t be attractive because of their size. It is, quite frankly, one of the most insulting and harmful things that a person can say to you. When someone goes ahead and splutters this nonsense at you, make sure that you set them straight.

8. “I Don’t Think You Should Wear That.”

Your fashion sense is your choice. If you have friends (or, let’s face it, ‘frenemies’) who tell you that you shouldn’t wear certain things, they are the problem, not you. Going shopping with these toxic people will only make you miserable, and so you need to avoid it at all costs. These people know what they’re doing. As much as they may pretend, they know what those insulting words do to you. Don’t give them the benefit of seeing you upset, but do tell them where to get off.

Related: 7 Body Positive Quotes Every Woman Should Know

What are some of your best comebacks? Share with us in the comments below!

Featured lingerie:
Charlotte Padded Bra 6901 | Charlotte Bikini 6905 in Bronze

Try as we might, sometimes, we can be a little mean to ourselves. While we all know that we should be kind and boost ourselves up, old habits die hard. Now and then, we say and think hurtful things about ourselves for no reason at all. It’s toxic. So, with that in mind, here are ten little things that you have to stop telling yourself.

1. “That will never look good on me!”

We’ve all been there — you see the perfect dress or lingerie set and instantly fall head over heals in love with it. Then that teeny-tiny niggling voice in the back of your head starts to chime in on the conversation. “That will never suit you” it says with a wicked laugh. Here’s a pro tip. Ignore that horrid little gremlin voice and treat yourself. Everything looks fabulous when you feel good in it so wear that special thing and wear it with confidence.

2. “I’d be happier if…”

Spoiler alert: Happiness is a choice. Few people want to admit that, but it’s the truth. Having the perfect life, friends, partner or body does not make you happy. You might think that it will but it’s nothing short of an illusion. No, true happiness comes from within. It’s something that we choose to be each and every day and, yes, you can work on it. Taking the time to assess your moods and alter them is a mentally healthy thing to do. So, go ahead, and make some time for yourself.

3. “No one will ever love me”

First of all, we’re not in a Disney movie here and the love of Prince Charming is not going to solve all your problems. Sorry. What’s more, if you’re capable of giving love you most certainly deserve to get love back in return. Focus on loving yourself and others will want to follow suit. That means taking the time to see what’s so utterly special about the person you are and taking the time to adore it. Go on. You deserve it.

4. “I wish I was skinnier”

Spending all of your time wishing you could change your body is downright harmful. It has to stop. The world (okay, the media!) would have us believe that if we were stick thin model types, we’d be happy, rich, and powerful. It’s a lie. Stop wishing you could change your body and start appreciating it instead. For example, you may want to use a few #BoPo quotes as mantras each day to get you started.

5. “I’m not good enough!”

Sometimes, the world is a hard place. It may feel as though you’re constantly trying to measure up to the image of an ‘ideal woman’ and forever falling short. Here’s a secret that you already know deep down inside: There is no perfect person. No one is flawless. What’s more, you are the very best version of yourself that you can be. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. You just need to be you. With a little daily dose of self-love, you can change how you feel in no time.

Related: 6 Daily Practices For Self Love

6. “Everyone thinks I’m ugly/stupid/fat”

Why on earth are you so concerned with what other people think of you? It’s easy to get wrapped up in a mind-muddle of other people’s opinions, but it’s not at all healthy. The honest truth of the matter is that no one thinks about you as much as you imagine. They have their own hangups to stress about and are probably just as anxious about what people think as you are. These insults and criticisms are of your making, which means you can destroy them just as easily too.

7. “I hate [insert hangup] about my body”

We’ve all been guilty of this mistake now and then. Fixating on something you dislike about your body is a surefire way to kill your self-esteem one harmful thought at a time. Rather than spending time focussing on the things you don’t like, you need to focus on what you do. You could even write them down. Think about the things you love about your body — from the way your hair looks to the color of your eyes — and pay some real attention to them for a change. You may find it makes all the difference.

8. “I’m not worthy of anything or anyone”

Feelings of worthlessness are dangerous. There’s no one on this planet who isn’t a worthwhile human being. When you start to feel as though you’re not of value to anything and anyone, it’s time to change your mindset. Again, it may help you to write a few things down. You could list the people who care about you. Then the people who rely on you. Then the people who go out of their way to make you smile. Realizing that people do truly care about you could be the first step to getting rid of these thoughts.

9. “I wish I looked like her!”

Ah, jealousy! You probably wondered when this nasty green-eyed girl would make the list. Comparing yourself to other people or, more specifically, other women is one of the most harmful things you can do. It’s easy to see others through rose-tinted glasses and believe that everything about them is just perfect, but it’s just not the case. Be yourself. You’re incredible. Don’t try to be anyone else.

10. “No one understands how I feel!”

Okay, this is perhaps the biggest lie you can ever tell yourself. Everyone out there understands how you feel. To have these thoughts is human. It’s natural. If you feel as though you’re constantly putting yourself down for no good reason (and there is no good reason!), you should 100% reach out to your friends and loved ones. The chances are that they know just how you feel and have felt the same in the past. What’s more, they will tell you the truth — that you’re a wonderful human being and you need to remember that!

Related: How To Start Loving Yourself When You Don’t Know How

Today is the day to stop the negative self-talk.

If no one has told you yet today, you are beautiful, you are worthy of happiness, you are good enough, you are loved, your body is perfect as it is, you are worthy of everything you desire, and you are heard and understood (even if it doesn’t feel that way sometimes). More important than anything else, you don’t need our permission to break the chain of negativity. And you certainly don’t need society’s permission. Or your boyfriend’s or your mother’s or your best friend’s permission. It all starts with you.

So, what are three things you love about yourself? Do you have a wicked sense of humor? A kind heart? If we were to ask one of your closest friends or family members, what would they say they love most about you? Tell us in the comments below!

Whispers of this movement have been rife for quite some time. Whether you’ve read about it on an in-depth level, just dabbled in body positive quotes, or know nothing at all, you’re likely curious about what it all means. With that in mind, welcome to class. This is Body Positivity 101 and we’re oh-so-glad to have you here with us. Take a seat, get really comfortable, because we’re about to begin. Here’s a short introduction to the body positive movement and what it could mean to you on a personal level.

So, what is Body Positivity?

You may have heard about the #BoPo movement (on Instagram and realms further afield) but what is it all about? Well, it’s about reprogramming the way we view body types. Since the moment we’re born, we’re given a whole load of harmful information about what constitutes the so-called ‘perfect body’ shape. That means that we all grow up seeing some shapes and sizes as ‘right’ and others as ‘wrong’. We’re told that to be happy and successful, we need to look a certain way and, more accurately, be a certain dress size.

It’s that very mentality that has to change now rather than later. The body positive movement is all about changing the way we see people. It’s about giving everyone the same level of respect regardless of their size and ensuring that no one gets treated differently because of this fact. In short, it’s a journey we’re all on. No, it’s not going to happen overnight, but with a little education, things are certain to change for the better over time. So, let’s start moving forward together.

It’s a cry out against body shaming

Body shaming is a horrible trend, which can be seen across all social circles. Loving your own body and being part of the body positivity movement means fighting against body shaming. The key takeaway here is that you should never need to lash out at someone else’s body to validate your own. It works both ways. It’s time to finally get rid of the idea that we need comment on people’s bodies or, even, that we have any right to do so.

While not everyone may realize it, body shaming has dire consequences. Often those thoughtless and hurtful words can reverberate through someone’s life making them feel like less than they really are — making them feel worthless and undeserving. It’s just that kind of toxic effect that the body positive movement is trying to combat. The idea is that we’re all on our own path and we have no right to get in someone else’s way. There’s no good reason on this planet that we would need to blurt out negative things about someone’s appearance.

Related: 7 Body Positive Quotes Every Woman Should Know

It’s not just about us women either

One of the most common misconceptions about #BoPo is the notion that it’s only for women. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, the movement is for anyone who wants to be a part of it. Despite what many people seem to think, men face the same issues that women do when it comes to their personal body image. And it’s not only women body shaming women and men body shaming other men. There are a lot of men out there who body shame women and vice versa, too.

Needless to say, one of the major flaws of associating the body positive movement with just women is that it neglects a huge proportion of people it affects. So, instead of trying to create a divide between groups of people, let’s all try to support one another in the best way that we can. Remember, this is not a competition; it’s a campaign for us all to have a better relationship with our bodies. Nothing more. Nothing less.

It’s about equality and respect for all!

Make no mistakes here, this is an issue of equality. Whether we try to sweep it under the rug or otherwise, the fact of the matter is that people without stereotypical ‘ideal’ bodies are treated differently. Whether that means those with disabilities, those will fuller shapes, or those who somehow differ from what society looks at as normal, it affects all of us. So, a huge part of the body positive movement is about breaking down these barriers and exposing them for what they are — just plain wrong.

It’s also about recognizing that there is a real problem with the way society works and how some people are treated as opposed to others. After all, it’s 2017 and, by now, we should live in a world where we are treated with respect, trust, and equality.

Regardless of our differences in gender orientation, sexual orientation, disability, race, age, and size, we’re all in this together. It’s not about pitting people against each other. Body positivity is all about coming together and accepting who we are and learning to love and appreciate our bodies as they are.

Related: 7 Ways To Show Your Body The Love It Deserves

We wholeheartedly support body positivity. Do you feel the same? Let us know in the comments below!

Losing something you love can be hard, at the best of times. Perhaps that’s why so many of us hang onto old bras long after we should. If your underwear has seen better days, something needs to change.

Here are 10 warning signs you need to look out for.

1.  It has started to lose its shape

When you first bought your bra, it was probably perfect in every way. It supported you, it looked wonderful, and you adored it. Now, take a good hard look at your bra. Is it the same one with which you once fell head over heals in love? Sometimes, honesty is the best policy. If your bra has started to lose its shape and look less like a piece of underwear and more like an old rag, you know what you need to do.

2.  The color is less-than-vibrant

If you’re daring with your underwear choices, you will likely have a wide range of gloriously colored bras and panties. Of course, there’s every reason you should invest in beautiful lingerie. From deep rouges to bright pinks, there’s just so much to love here. But wait just a minute, if one of your bras has changed color in a seemingly overnight transition, you need to do something about it. The only reason that a bra would start to look duller and duller is that you’ve had it for way too long.

3.  The band feels looser than it once was

When you pull on your bra, you know how it should feel. There are no two ways about it. The truth, though none of us want to admit it, is that bras tend to get looser and less comfortable the more we wear them. So, if you’ve had a trusty bra for a matter of years, you may well find that it is less than comfortable these days. Rather than holding onto it for no good reason, you need to get rid of it sooner rather than later. A loose bra isn’t doing you or your breasts any favors. It may be time for a bra donation.

4.  The wiring stabs you in the side

We’ve all been there. You’re going about your day-to-day business, when you feel a sudden, sharp stab in your side. Yep, your underwire has slipped out of the seam and is proceeding to nip your skin at every turn. There’s nothing worse than that constant and annoying feeling that you get when this happens. You can try as you might to ignore it but it just makes no difference whatsoever. There’s no time for bra donation when this happens; no one else is going to want this broken garment.

5.  It has some mysterious stains on it

Sometimes, over the years, pieces of clothing pick up some rather ugly stains. Whether you spilled red wine on your nice white bra or messed it up with makeup, it’s not the best look by any means. When you’re not sure where the stains came from to start with, it’s a sure sign that you’ve had the bra for far too long. Do yourself a favor and throw it out before it’s too late. Every woman out there deserves to feel special and beautiful in her lingerie… and that’s never going to happen in an old, stained bra.

Related Post: 4 Ways A Poor Fitting Bra Will Kill Your Confidence

6.  You have to use the tightest hook

As a bra gets looser, we all do the same thing. Making your bra tighter and tighter by popping it on the last hook may be a short-term solution, but it’s not one that you should rely on for years to come. Once you realize that you need to make your bra as tight as possible, it should be a telltale sign that you’ve had it for far too long. Bra donation is much easier than you think and there are plenty of places you can take your old garment to be recycled. So, go ahead, do something charitable and get rid of it.

7.  You’re constantly readjusting it

Just as you may be putting the bra on the last hook, you could find that you need to constantly readjust the bra. Whether it’s tightening up the straps or trying to make the back more supportive, there are plenty of ways in which you can alter your bra in no time at all.  However, when you’re doing all of this rejigging, perhaps you should consider why you’re having to do it. Realistically, you shouldn’t have to do all that much to a bra to ensure that it fits you properly. So, there must be a real problem here.

8.  It’s just plain uncomfortable

No one deserves to walk around feeling uncomfortable all day long. If you find that your bra is distracting you 24/7, it’s time to hit the bra donation. Being the best you that you can be means being comfortable in every garment you choose to slip on from your bra to your cozy sweater. You should prioritize your own comfort and the way that clothes actually make you feel over everything else. Once you start doing that, you will see that it makes a real difference to how you feel.

9.  It’s not supportive

Your bra should be like your best friend in that it supports you no matter what. The moment that support disappears, you’ve gotta do something about it. When your breasts lack the support that they need, it can lead to all kinds of issues such as sagging and back problems. That’s why it’s crucial that you go out of your way to ensure that you always get the support you need, when you need it.

10.  You can’t remember when you bought it

Quick question: When and where did you get your bra? If you can’t remember, maybe that’s a sign that you’ve had it far too long. You should replace your bra (or do a bra donation) every three months or so. That means that you should always remember when you bought it. So, if going to the lingerie store or online shopping is but a distant memory, you know what you need to do!

Related Post: Bra Fitting 101: Here’s Why All Parts Of A Bra Are Important

We Highly Recommend

Whether you’re shopping for new everyday bras or lingerie for a special occasion, it’s always a good idea to seek out a second opinion. We know how hard it is to find bras that fit well and feel good, especially when you’re doing it on your own. If you’ve ever felt unsure about your bra size or you just don’t know where to go to find good bras, it’s time to let a bra fitter help.

Many specialty lingerie boutiques offer bra fittings. Their expert bra fitters will take the pain and frustration out of bra shopping and do all the work for you. Even better, their product knowledge can save you time and money. Plus, they know where all of the best bras are hiding.

If you’ve struggled with finding bras in the right size, it’s time to make a change. Visit our specialty store locator to find a store near you and schedule an appointment.

Happy bra shopping!

Feature image lingerie:
Mod By Parfait Modern T-Shirt Padded Bra A1381Mod By Parfait Modern Hipster A1385 in Black


Beauty knows no size limit. If you’ve ever felt down or sad about your shape and size, here’s a post just for you. Body positivity is all about learning to accept and, better still, love your body just exactly where it is. So, where should you start with this journey into a healthier body image and a happier life?

Well, one of the ways to affirm your newfound positivity is to use some handy #BoPo mantras. The idea is that these short and snappy sayings will remind you how special and wonderful you are. Whenever you need a little pick me up, repeat these words to yourself.

1.  “I am uniquely me”

Think about it. There is no one on this planet who is the same as you are. You are the only one with those legs, those eyes, those shoulders. (Unless, of course, you happen to have an identical twin. If so, go tell her she’s fabulous too!) Your uniqueness is what makes you so wonderfully perfect — just the way you are. Envying other women for how they look is a waste of your time and brainpower. It’s only going to hurt you, at the end of the day. Instead, focus on yourself and what makes you so individual and glorious.

2.  “Every body is a ‘bikini body’”

There are few things are harmful in this world as the phrase ‘bikini body’. Those two little words carry so many negative connotations that we should just get rid of them altogether. Whenever the summer comes around, women around the globe strive their hardest to shed a few pounds to look right in a bikini. Well, I’m going to let you in on a little something just now…  Your body already looks right. It’s yours. It’s how it’s meant to be. Nothing more. Nothing less. Pull on a fabulous bikini and show the world what you’ve got.

3.  “Happiness is not size-specific”

Well, of course, not! There are no two ways about it. People either choose to be happy… or they don’t. Believe it or not, their dress size has very little to do with it. You can be the happiest person in the world and never once think about your body size. Or you can make yourself miserable by fixating on all that you think is wrong with it. You are perfect. No matter what size you happen to be, you are. Now, do yourself perhaps the biggest favor of your life, and choose happiness over everything else. After all, the fact of the matter is that you truly deserve it.

4.  “My body is the greatest thing I own”

Just think about all the marvelous things that your body can do. It is the vessel that carries you everywhere you need to go. Don’t be ashamed of how it looks. It’s the most valuable thing that you have and you need to treat it that way. That means loving and utterly adoring your body every single day, no matter what happens. Take the time each evening to do something positive for yourself. That may mean running a hot bubble bath or just trying out some yoga. Getting to know your body could make all the difference.

Related: What No One Tells You About Body Positivity and Self Love

positive body image quotes

Lynn Y-Back Front Closure Bra P13122 | Lynn Hipster P13015 in Black

5.  “Breathe in confidence, breathe out fear”

Here’s a secret — some days, we all lack the confidence we should have. We’re only human after all. Whenever you’re having one of those worrisome moments, stop yourself. Look in the mirror, admire all you see before you, and take a deep breath. As you do so, repeat this mantra in your mind: “Breathe in confidence, breathe out fear.” You may want to repeat this act a few times before you get it just right. Nothing should hold you back from being the very best version of yourself today.

6.  “Imperfections are beautiful”

There’s not a person on this planet who doesn’t have some sort of imperfection. At times, it’s hard to remember that, but you must. Perfection doesn’t exist. Even Beyonce has flaws. And that’s okay. In truth, it’s our flaws that make us who we are and, yes, make us truly beautiful. Instead of looking at your body and counting the things you think are wrong with it, change tack. Why not take the time to look at the beauty in these imperfections? When you refocus the way in which you see things, it can change how you feel completely. What’s more, realizing that you are a thing of great beauty is one of the best lessons you will ever learn.  

7.  “Change my mind, not my body”

Contrary to what you may have thought before now, changing your body will not make you happier, richer, or more successful. Those are myths you’ve created in your own mind. Stop focusing on changing your body and instead start focusing on changing your mindset. Thinking negatively about the way you look will make you feel awful. It just will. So, quit it and quit it now. Take the time to rethink the way you see yourself. Understand that you are truly beautiful. Believe it. It’s true. Once you start to change the way you think, you will feel better than ever before. 

Related: 7 Ways To Show Your Body The Love It Deserves

body positive quotes

Featured image lingerie:
Jeanie Strapless Contour Bra 4815 | Jeanie High Cut Brief 4803 in Black

What are your favorite body positive mantras?

You only get one body so you’d better treat it right. If you’ve been neglecting yourself of some much-needed love and attention, this is a direct shout-out to you. It’s time for a change. Your body is fabulous — just look at all the wonderful things it can do. So, why not show it how much you really do care about it? Not sure where to start? Well, then try some of these unique yet brilliant ways to give your body a whole lotta love.

1.  Take a long, relaxing soak in the tub

After a long, hard day at work, there’s nothing like running a hot bubble bath, slipping off your clothes, and sinking into the water. Now, be honest with yourself, when was the last time you actually did that? If you’re due a relaxing soak, quit putting it off. Make the time; make you time. Put on your favorite songs and just let the water take you away. After all, there’s no denying the fact that your body works darn hard all of the time. The very least you could do is make sure that it gets a treat now and then.

2.  Lather on a luxurious lotion

Once you’re done bathing, it’s time to ensure that you smell as good as you feel. Lather up some richly scented lotion and go to town on your body. If you feel as though you’ve been neglecting your skin for quite some time, now is the time to show it the love and care it really deserves. You may want to massage areas that feel a little tense or strained. Go ahead! Warm up those hands and really get to work. Remember, this is by no means a quick job. Take the time to really worship your body as you rub the lotion into every single inch of it.

3.  Create a #BoPo journal — just for you!

What is it that you adore about your body? If you’re not sure where to start, you have some real work to do  here. Perhaps you need to remind yourself why you love your body and all it does for you. Why not make a body positive (#BoPo) journal? Remember, no one has to see this little book apart from you. That means that you can be 100% honest when it comes to writing it. Every day, take the time to write down just one small thing that you’re thankful for when it comes to your body. It could be as simple as the fact that you like the way your legs look or that you can’t get enough of your glossy hair!

Related: How To Fall In Love With Journaling

7 Ways To Show Your Body The Love It Deserves 2 1024x683 - 7 Ways To Show Your Body The Love It Deserves

4.  Dance like no one’s watching

It may be a cliche (okay, it is a cliche!), but you should try this one for yourself sometime. When you have the house to yourself, choose a track that makes you want to throw some shapes… and just do it. Contrary to popular belief, dancing is not about what other people think of you. It’s not about impressing some stranger in a club or showing your friends that you can shake it. No, it’s all about you. It’s about how you relate to your body and how it makes you feel. It’s about how keeping the beat puts a smile on your face and makes you feel fabulous. Forget what anyone else thinks — do this for yourself.

5.  Book the yoga class you’ve been putting off

Spoiler: Yoga makes you feel truly wonderful about your body and how it feels. Sure, you may have been putting it off for years now, but there’s no reason that you shouldn’t give it a go for yourself. Find a class near you and just bite the bullet. Yes, it may be scary the first time you go out to buy a yoga mat and pants. Yes, you might not get the hang of the moves right away. But that’s not the point. The point is that you will get to know (and, indeed, love) your body in a brand new way. And, hey, if it’s not for you, at least you can say you tried it.

6.  Treat yourself to some gorgeous lingerie

Perusing the many garments available is not merely about shopping; it’s about identifying who you are and what works for you. Stop trying to hide your body under a mass of underwear. Instead, choose some that makes a statement. You may like some chic 1950s style pieces that make you feel like a real pinup girl. You may fancy the height of fashion lingerie that’s new this very season. Whatever suits you, buying some new lingerie is about celebrating your body and, yes, treating it to something pretty for once.

7.  Dare to have a sexy boudoir shoot

Finally, if you’re feeling really brave, you may want to take this one step further. Why not book yourself onto a sexy lingerie shoot? You’ll get a chance to take on any persona you see fit and show the camera what you’ve really got hiding under your clothes. You don’t even have to take the pictures for anyone else out there. Oh no, these could just be for your private collection. The idea is that you push yourself out of your comfort zone and be the dazzling, sassy lady that you were always born to be. Are you ready for your close up yet?

Related: Preparing For A Boudoir Photo Shoot

Featured lingerie:
Charlotte Padded Bra 6901Charlotte Bikini 6905 in Bronze
Darlene Unlined Wire Blue P5172 | Darlene Bikini P5173 in Summer Blue

Every now and then, you deserve to treat yourself to something wonderful and new. After all, every woman out there needs to feel special and beautiful, and one of the best ways to reaffirm these thoughts is to go ahead and indulge yourself. Perhaps it’s time for some sexy, new lingerie.

Before you start shopping, though, there are some things that you need to know. Figuring out which pieces are right for you can be a little tricky, at the best of times. So, with just that in mind, we’d like to share the inside scoop with you all. Here are the seven golden rules of lingerie shopping. Read them, learn them, live them.

1.  Get fitted on a regular basis

There’s nothing worse than investing in ill-fitting lingerie. Many women believe that they know their size, but, in reality, few do. According to a recent study, 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size. So, you may well be mistaken about your size after all.

That’s all the more reason to ensure that you get measured on a regular basis. Before you go ahead and buy yourself some new lingerie, it really is worth making sure that you’ve got your sizing. That way, you can ensure that you get lingerie that will stand the test of time. We recommend visiting a bra fitter ahead of time; visit our specialty store locator to locate a lingerie boutique near you!

2.  Know what works for you!

Over the years, you’ve probably got used to a particular style that suits you. There’s nothing wrong with sticking to what you know; especially if you’re certain that it looks good on you. There are many beautiful styles of lingerie out there – from classic to retro – and so there’s nothing to say that your underwear style shouldn’t complement your fashion sense. For example, if you’re a fan of 1950s glamour, you can replicate this theme within your lingerie to create a truly original look.

3.  But don’t be afraid to experiment

While, much of the time, you may well want to stick with what you, sometimes pushing out of your comfort zone really is the way to go. Trying different styles out means that you will get a chance to see if you’re missing a trick.

There may be a style that you’ve avoided or simply assumed will not suit you at all. Try it! Having the courage to really put yourself out there and experiment until you find something that works is what it’s all about.

4.  Treat yourself to something special

Buying lingerie ought never feel like a chore. Instead, it’s about treating yourself to something truly special that makes you feel wonderful. It’s okay to be selfish now and then, especially when it comes to choosing an item that’s for you and you alone. Go into this shopping experience with a completely guilt-free mindset. Feel free to browse the many options and opt for a lingerie set that meets your every possible requirement.

Related: 12 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Beautiful Lingerie

parfait charlotte bra - The 7 Golden Rules of Lingerie Shopping

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5.  Find what works for you

Trends may come and go, but true style is timeless. Of course, there will be some fashions that appeal to you and happen to suit you well. When they come along, it makes sense to try them for yourself and enjoy wearing them with pride.

However, as a golden rule, you should never force yourself into liking a style that just is not you. If you don’t feel comfortable in a certain type of lingerie, it just won’t suit you. It really is that simple. Remember, you and you alone get to dictate your sense of style. No one else has the right to tell you what you ought to be wearing.

6.  Flatter your body shape

Nobody out there knows your body shape quite like you do. Being body confident should always be your number one priority. That means that you need to really get to know your shape and, essentially, what works for it. Take the time to consider what type of shape you have and figure out how best to flatter it.

The general idea is that your lingerie should make you feel like the sexiest version of yourself — not someone else. So, keep in mind, that different cuts and styles suit different body shapes. Taking pride in what you wear and opting for a tailored set that suits you is quite possibly the best thing you can do for yourself.

7.  Remember, it’s not about covering up!

Contrary to popular belief, wearing lingerie is by no means about covering your body up. You don’t want to disguise your flaws or try to hide your body. Quite the opposite. Instead, this is all about accentuating your shape and owning your body. That means choosing lingerie that works to show off all your best features — so, first, it’s time to identify them.

Take a moment to really look at your body. Don’t focus on what you dislike, but what you love about yourself. There’s no shame in being dazzlingly pleased with the way you look. Once you’ve decided what areas you utterly adore, find a lingerie set that emphasizes them and truly highlights your body shape. As always, confidence is beauty.

Related: 10 Bra Fitting and Lingerie Store Secrets Professional Bra Fitters Want You To Know

We Highly Recommend

Whether you’re shopping for new everyday bras or lingerie for a special occasion, it’s always a good idea to seek out a second opinion. We know how hard it is to find bras that fit, especially when you’re doing it on your own. If you’ve ever felt unsure about your bra size or you just don’t know where to go to find good bras, it’s time to let a bra fitter help.

Many specialty lingerie boutiques offer bra fittings. Their expert bra fitters will take the pain and frustration out of bra shopping and do all the work for you. Even better, their product knowledge can save you time and money. Plus, they know where all of the best bras are hiding.

If you’ve struggled with finding bras in the right size, it’s time to make a change. Visit our specialty store locator to find a store near you and schedule an appointment.

Happy bra shopping!

Featured image lingerie:
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Pregnancy. It is at once the most beautiful and stressful thing you may ever experience. At times, it can feel like a full-time job in itself. And so, if you have an actual full-time job with which to contend too, it presents rather a tricky conundrum. Finding the balance between these two hugely important areas of your life can be particularly hard. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you along the way:

1.  Learn to say ‘no’ now and then

Do you have a fear of saying the word ‘no’ in the workplace? Do you worry what consequences that short and simple word may yield? Many professionals are scared to say that they can’t do something that is outside of their agreed duties. However, taking on more and more work when you’re pregnant could be seriously detrimental to your stress levels. Workplace stress is one of the biggest modern-day hazards to your health, so you need to avoid it at all costs.

At first, refusing to do extra tasks at work can be hard. You may feel that you’re obliged to go above and beyond to keep your role. Nothing could be further than the truth. So long as you complete the tasks that are within the realms of your job description, no one can say a word to you. Remember that. Your job is by no means your life. It’s important, but by no means more important than your health — or that of your unborn child.

2.  Switch off when you get home

Today, more women than ever are working in the lead up to having a child. A substantial 66% of women work right through their pregnancy, according to the latest figures from the Pew Research Center. This number rockets to a massive 87% of women among those who have college degrees. The takeaway is simple — professional women care just as much about nurturing their career as they do their child. That in itself is a highly commendable trait. It should be worn as a badge of honor.

However, that’s not to say that you don’t need time-out when you get home from work. Spending the evening on your smartphone, constantly answering emails is mentally unhealthy. It has to stop. Setting proper workplace boundaries and, crucially, switching off from your job when you get home is extremely important and don’t you forget it.

3.  Make time for fun and games

When was the last time you made time for some fun and games? If this happens to be your second (or even third or fourth) child, it could well be the perfect time to start engaging more with your little ones. Creating a strong family environment will help you de-stress and get into the mindset of having a new child.

What’s more, research has proved that this can be seriously beneficial to your mental health. A 2012 study from Kansas State University, found that mothers who spent time playing with their kids and reading to them, were less stressed overall. After all, redefining your priorities by ensuring that you have the right amount of time to be with your family is certain to be a positive step.

Related Post: 12 Smart Ways To Save For A Baby On The Way

4.  Take a yoga class now and then

It may sound like something of a cliche but indulging in a little yoga now and then could be the best way to relieve your stress. Recent research from Manchester University found that expectant mothers could ward off the stresses that are generally associated with pregnancy simply by partaking in some yoga workshops now and then.

“It is surprising this has never been looked at before, we have long believed that it works but no research had been done to back up the theory,” explained researcher, Dr James Newham. “We have now gone some way to prove that it can help. It was not a small effect either. This has the potential to really help mothers who are feeling anxious about their pregnancy.”

Of course, it’s worth bearing in mind that not all yoga classes are the same. Some will have an element of spirituality in them, but if that’s not for you, many will just be exercise-based. For that reason, it’s worth looking around until you find a class that suits you and will give you the experience you want. Oh, and you may even find a class that’s specifically for pregnant women.

5.  Prepare your home for your child

One of the major stresses for pregnant women is how they will cope when they first bring their child home. Getting your home ready for your child is likely to make you feel better prepared for this, and so help calm your fears. According to the American Pregnancy Association, this process is called ‘nesting’ and is common for many women during the lead-up to giving birth.

Take a weekend (or even a ‘mental health day’) and dedicate it entirely to creating a space that is perfect for your new child. While approaching this may seem a little daunting to begin with, it will be worthwhile. After you’ve created some literal room for your child, you will feel mentally ready for this new challenge!

Related Post: 7 Ways Being A Mother Changes Every Part Of Your Life

Staying fit and healthy should be every woman’s top priority.

After all, you only get one body in this life, and so it really does make a whole load of sense to look after it. Of course, one of the easiest ways in which we can lead an active lifestyle is by walking more on a day to day basis.

While we all know that we probably should be walking more, this is something that few of us actually bother with when it comes down to it. Sure, you may think about it now and then but how many steps should you walk in a day anyhow? Few people know. And maybe, just maybe that’s where the problem lies. Let’s take a quick look at the facts.

So, how many steps should you walk in a day? Contrary to popular belief, 10,000 steps may not be the ideal amount of exercise. This myth has been reported time and time again, but perhaps we should be walking even more than that.

A new study published in the US National Library of Medicine suggests that the optimum amount is 15,000 steps.

There’s just one teeny tiny problem — we’re all busy women.

Few of us have the time to dedicate to walking that much each and every day. In between working, socializing, and having a little down time, there’s hardly a spare minute for anything else. Sadly, that’s often the very reason that exercise gets sidelines. So, what if there were another way?

Maybe there is. Fitting your steps into your daily life could be the answer you’ve been looking for all along. Rather than making extra time for this chore at the end of the day, you could make a few small changes that will incorporate it in what you already do.

Here are just a few ideas to help you along the way.

1.  Get a step-tracking app

You may not even know how many steps you walk per day as it is. That’s why it really does make a lot of sense to get a step-tracking app. Since tech and fitness go hand-in-hand these days, there are a whole bunch of apps that you can download in mere seconds. For example, a couple of the best include the ultra minimal looking Noom Walk Pedometer and the Let’s Walk App.

Once you’ve downloaded an app that suits you, you can start tracking how much you walk and see where you need to improve things just a little. The first step (excuse the pun!) here is to understand how active your current lifestyle is. That way, you can start to adapt the things that you do in a way that not only makes you healthier, but also that suits your existing lifestyle as well.

2.  Always take the stairs

Make no mistakes, elevators are convenient. There’s a reason that we all use these more often than not. Taking the stairs seems like so much effort, especially if you’re going to the seventh floor. Still, perhaps you should do it now and then. Walking upstairs is a great way to lose weight since you have to put in some extra effort to deal with the incline.

But wait just a minute, how many calories does walking burn? Well, walking moderately for just ten minutes can help you burn 40 calories. However, if you walk upstairs instead, you will find that this increases how many calories you burn since you’re having to use extra energy and strength. That is to say that taking the stairs is perhaps the best thing you can do for your own health levels.

3.  Leave your car at home

It’s all too easy, right? You get up, you get dressed and eat breakfast, and then you get into your car and drive to work. The whole thing takes you around an hour, so why would you want to add extra time to that system? If you want to give your health a real boost, walking to work could be the change that you need. It will make you feel healthier, happier, and more energized than ever before.

But, can you lose weight walking to work? The answer is simple — yes. According to a recent study from the University of East Anglia, walking or cycling to work could help you to lose around 7KG over a three year period. That means that this small change could affect more than just your health, it could have a real impact on your weight too.

4.  Join a walking group

Why should you have to choose between exercising and socializing with people? In truth, there are a whole load of ways in which you can meet new people while also making sure that you’re as healthy and active as you can possibly be. Let’s start small here. Why not join a walking group near you?

Don’t panic if you can’t find a walking group in your area! You could always just set one up for yourself. If you register on the meetup app, you will find that you can create an open group which people in your area can join for free. Once you have regular meetings going, it should be easier than ever to make walking more a habit.

Remember, walking is something that you should learn to love and enjoy on a day to day basis. It doesn’t have to be a chore or something that you dread doing. Instead, you need to relish it and have as much fun as possible while doing it. So, go on, get stepping!

When was the last time you checked your breasts? It might sound like an odd question, but maybe it’s one you should think about. So many women out there never give the health of their breasts a second thought, but doing so is essential.

So, where should you begin? Well, one of the easiest things you can do is perform a breast exam. This shouldn’t take more than a few minutes and, luckily, you can do it in the comfort of your own home. That means that you really have no excuse not to get into this routine.

How to perform a breast self exam

Every woman out there should be checking her breasts on a regular basis. In 2017, estimates that there will be 252,710 new cases of the condition diagnosed. The sooner you catch a disease like this one, the better equipped both you and your doctor will be to fight it and win.

So, if you don’t already know how to perform a breast exam, it’s time to learn a thing or two. Every so often, you need to check how your breasts are doing. Make a habit out of it. That way, if there are any changes to the area, you will be the first to know about it. Here’s what you need to do to thoroughly check them over:

1.   Take a look in the mirror

The very first step is checking out how your breasts look. So, with your top and bra off, take a long hard look in the mirror. What you’re checking for here is a difference in the way that your breasts look in general.

Any abnormalities will need to be checked out by a professional, which means that you need to be as thorough as possible when dealing with this step.

Here’s what you need to be looking for:


Have your breasts got bigger or smaller recently? Could this be to do with weight-gain or weight-loss? If not, how quickly has the change happened? Any changes in size should be noted and monitored.


Equally, you need to be checking for any changes in the shape of the breasts. Of course, as you age, the shape may naturally change, but you need to look for drastic and sudden changes here.


If the color of either the breasts themselves or your nippes has changed or got darker, that may be an issue. It’s worth taking the time to visit your doctor and talk about this change.

Swelling or buldging

Bulging and swelling of the breasts can happen for a wide range of reasons. When you notice a change like this one, though, it’s well worth getting it checked out sooner rather than later to put your mind at rest.


If the skin has began to dimple, it could well be a cause for concern. Equally, if you have any soreness or blotchiness in this area, you should do something about it. Again, there could be many reasons for the issue, but it’s worth being safe.

Changes to the nipple

In some cases, you may find that there are changes in the shape, size, and position of the nipple. For example, your nipples may have become inverted or got larger. When these abnormalities appear, see your doctor to check that they are nothing to worry about.

2.  Put your arms up in the air

Raise your arms above your head and check for all of the above signs again. You should make sure that you are as thorough as possible when doing so. If you note any changes in the nipple, shape, size, or texture of the breasts, you will need to get a further exam from a medical professional. In this case, make a note of the changes that you have seen and where exactly they are.

3.  Check for any fluid

While it may not be the nicest of subjects, it’s one that you just cannot ignore. Make sure that you check the nipple area for any fluid leakage. If you see any clear, milky, or even yellow liquid here, it could well be an issue. In the same vein, if you notice that there is blood coming out of your nipple area, you will need to get it checked out.

4.  Take a lie down (no really!)

Once you’ve done all of the above and checked your breasts in the mirror, it’s time to take a lie down and see what difference this makes. Using two flat fingers, you need to check over the entirety of your breasts.

Remember, you will need to be as firm as possible to get this right. Check the area of each breast all over and feel for any changes to their texture. For example, you need to be on the lookout for bumps, lumps, and any odd textures.

When you are doing this part of the task, you need to make sure that you check from every angle. That means that you should run your fingers across the side of your breasts as well as from top to bottom. Make sure that you have covered all of the skin here before you move on.

5.  One final check…

Stand back up again and lift one of your arms above your head. As you do so, use your other hand to check that breast (using the same techniques as above!). You’re looking for any new textures of changes in your breasts here. Once you’ve taken the time to examine one of your breasts, change arms and go ahead and check the other side.

What if you notice a change?

If you find a lump or, indeed, notice any other type of change in your breast area, you need to make an appointment with your doctor. They will be more than happy to examine you and ensure that everything is just as it should be.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be medical advice and it is not meant to be a substitute for a professional’s opinion. Be sure to consult your doctor if you notice any changes in your breasts. Breast self exams are not a replacement for regular exams by your doctor.
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