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5 Things Not To Feel Guilty About As Back To School Season Approaches - 5 Things Not To Feel Guilty About As Back-To-School Season Approaches

As this new school year quickly approaches, I’ve been finding myself reflecting on Septembers past, and how exciting yet stressful they can be. It is easy to mix mom guilt into the start of the year with a multitude of different scenarios that affect each of us differently.

This year, let’s give ourselves a break from the mom guilt that comes with preparing for back-to-school or sending kids off to preschool for the first time.

1.  Forgetting a day of spirit week

Send your kids to school in pajamas on backwards clothes day? With families now busier than ever, it can be really hard keeping all of the balls you are juggling in the air, let alone remembering dress up days at school. If you find yourself feeling bad about missing this spirit day, try to spin it in a positive way. At least you got your child dressed and to school today!

2.  Not buying the trendiest clothes/supplies

When I was a kid, it was Lisa Frank gear, and as I got older, it was American Eagle and Abercrombie. I’m sure you remember what was trending during back-to-school time as you were growing up too. But, with a stretched budget, time-crunch, or both, you might be unable to purchase the trendiest items that your kid really wants. Don’t worry about it if you can only purchase the necessities.

3.  Feeling thankful for school

Hey, it’s completely okay if you are overjoyed with the start of school. If this summer was a long one for you, it might feel like you are finally getting the opportunity for a touch of much needed me time, a break, or simply to be able to work without having kids running around in the background (in the case of work-from-home-moms, like me).

4.  Not wanting to join the PTA or be a room mother

You have enough on your plate already, don’t feel bad about saying no if you are asked to join the PTA or become a room mother at your child’s school. Giving your child space from you gives them the room they need to grow to be an independent adult. And it gives you a bit of sanity.

5.  Dropping your kids off makeup free

I rarely leave the house without a bit of makeup on, but as my son enters school this year, the morning rush to get us both ready and out of the door on time is going to take some practice. Though I’m not too keen on going to school drop off bare faced, I’m going to give myself a break — at least until we get the new routine down.

What will you be giving yourself a pass on?

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